The original articles is from Andrew Scrivani for The New York Times and i would like to share some of the points there and also my opinions. The Times’s new “Recipes for Health” feature focuses on eggs, a topic sure to cause confusion for those of us who have been told for years that eggs aren’t a health food.
But most medical experts agree eggs have a healthful place in a balanced diet. As the Berkeley Wellness Letter, from the University of California at Berkeley, reported in March, eggs have an undeserved bad reputation because of their high cholesterol content. Although there are 210 miligrams in the yolk of a large egg, the newsletter notes that for most people eggs don’t raise blood cholesterol. “They may even be good for your heart in some ways,'’ the newsletter reports, noting that eggs have unsaturated fat, B vitamins and other nutrients. In addition, there is some evidence that people feel fuller after eating eggs and that regular egg consumption may boost eye health.
And, as shown in some egg studies, dietary cholesterol causes the body to produce HDL (“good”) cholesterol along with LDL (“bad”) cholesterol in these “hyper-responders,” thus helping offset potential adverse effects. Moreover, the LDL particles that form are larger in size — and larger LDL particles are thought to be less dangerous than small ones. In studies at the University of Connecticut, for example, eating three eggs a day for 30 days increased cholesterol in susceptible people, but their LDL particles were larger, and there was no change in the ratio between LDL and HDL, which suggests no major change in coronary risk.
Converse opinion, or research results on the fact that whether egg is friend or fraud to us, or on anything. As for me, i will not simply believe on one or two research/journals anymore as after years facts will not be the facts anymore, in fact, they might be totally different from what you learnt earlier. Go moderate!
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